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Low Carb Bread For a Healthier You
Michalis 'BIG Mike' Kotzakolios

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Eating a low carb bread is a healthy option since it is one example of a food that has a relatively low Glycemic Index or GI. A Glycemic Index is a system that ranks food according to carbohydrate content and effects on post-meal glycemia. Scientific studies have established that following a diet with a low GI will lower the risk of coronary heart disease and type 2 diabetes. It is also effective in managing body weight. A low carbohydrate bread is just one of many food that can be classified with low GI. Breads with a low carbohydrate content include whole wheat and multi-grain breads, rye, pumpernickel, sourdough and oatmeal breads.

There have been studies about Asians and South American people who are known to eat food with high carbohydrate content such as rice and potatoes. It was later found out as a result of the study that these people maintain their health by balancing their high carbohydrate intake with a low carbohydrate intake of fruits and vegetables. This belief in the balance of carbohydrate intake is also shared by marathon athletes. They eat food with low GI such as a low carb bread to manage their energy release while during competition, they consume food with high and low levels of GI to prevent energy spikes.

One of the keys to a healthier lifestyle is to monitor the carbohydrate intake. Having a diet of high carb foods can lead to metabolic abnormalities and major diseases if consumed consistently and in high quantities. It is important that a person knows if he is a low or high carb eater so that he can adjust his diet and maintain his carbohydrate intake. Low carb foods such as a low carb bread will not only make you leaner but can also give you the energy that you need.

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